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                                           Nuhu Sharubutu (d.12.10.82)


Nuhu Sharubutu was the fifth child of Native Officer Danborno.

He was a well respected Islamic scholar and teacher and father

of the National Chief Imam, Dr. Ossman Sharubutu.

He had two wives and thirteen children.


1st. Wife: Gwadashi


1. Abdulrauf (warder)  2. Tseinu  3. Salisu (Dogo / Broda)  4. Kande

5. Alhassan      6. Husseini    7. Gado Namiji       8. Alhassan (Wofa)

9. Fuseina    10. Gado Na Mache


2nd. Wife: Tasidi (Liman Abass's sister)


1. Mallam Osuman Sharubutu (National Chief Imam)                                     

2. Ibrahim Sharubutu

3. Kande Tormongo





































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